Another year around the sun...
A birthday has come, a birthday has gone. With it, as usual, emerges ideas for improvement, challenge, and (hopefully) growth. Among this year's goals, I am attempting to spark some creative joy back into my photography by attempting, once again, a 365 day project. This is largely born from a long-term feeling of stagnation and boredom. I could blame it on COVID sucking the life out of me, but the truth is that I feel the old processes are failing me. Where I once found play, there is work.
So, what do I hope will spark some change? Frankly, limitation. I intend to limit my creativity to shooting at least one photo per day for 365 days and that photo has to be a JPEG. This will hopefully do a few things:
Limit my ability to correct in post
Force me to be more considered in-camera
Hopefully limit my need for post
Help me to shoot more and edit less (I got into photography to observe and capture the world around me, not sit at a computer more)
The last successful 365 day project I completed was nearly 10 years ago now, but I do attribute that experience with such a dramatic sense of growth. Here is to hoping that this year will see something similar!
As always, these images will be posted here and on Instagram. Cheers to another year of growth, learning, and adventure!
A few photos from the weekend