Seven years ago, I embarked on a 365 project—a commitment to shoot and post a photo every day for an entire year. That experience was transformative. It taught me how to truly see the world around me, to use my camera instinctively, and to bring creative elements together consistently. It wasn’t just about photography; it was about discipline, growth, and discovering my own perspective.
Since then, I’ve made a few attempts to recapture that magic, but life has a way of interrupting even the best intentions. Other priorities crept in, and the projects stalled before they could take flight. This time, though, I’m determined to see it through.
Starting January 1, 2025, I’ll begin another 365 project. Every day, I’ll shoot and post an image—here on the blog and (for now) also on Instagram to keep myself accountable. I’m excited to see what this journey brings, not just in honing my skills, but in rediscovering the joy of capturing something new every single day.
This project isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress, exploration, and creativity. Along the way, if you see an image that resonates with you—one you’d love to have on your wall—please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be happy to make it happen.
I can’t wait to see where this year-long adventure takes me—and I hope you’ll follow along.