Tire Kicked

Tire Kicked

I have been kicking tires on the Fuji 50-140 f/2.8 for a few years now. I had considered a few other zooms, but since I generally prefer prime lenses, I was mostly interested in a zoom that claimed to achieve prime quality and was fast. Hence, I didn’t have too much motivation to do anything more than research. As I researched, however, nearly every review that I saw was reporting nothing but outstanding performance and speed. Still, I was a bit skeptical, but also - in the time of COVID - incredibly bored, so I kicked a tire and picked one up.

I'm pleased to confirm that the lens is FAST and with the recent firmware update to the X-T3 to address auto-focusing, the combination is incredibly fast in nearly every situation I've used it in. Additionally, the image quality is outstanding. I haven't done much pixel peeping, but when I nail the focus, the images it produces are tack sharp. I'm really looking forward to putting this lens through the paces.

 Here are a some test shots from this week. Let me know what you think below.



Passing It On

Passing It On